Monday, July 13, 2009

Enter my Web, said the Spider to the Phli

The Lair of Spider Grandmother

Don't you get the impression that everything is connected. The strand of all life has been stretched infinitely - far beyond our limited three-dimensional capabilities. The world wide web is changing that, we hope. We being those who give a damn about it all in the first place.

So the story here starts in Tuscany in a Dulux-Resene heaven of exploding colour.

At first there is the palette complete with freshly squeezed paint, then the photons from that ever exploding Sun, they hit your retina, psychotropic chemicals go hog wild doing the neuron-synsapse connection thing to the pineal gland, and whammo - you see the picture in front of you in a nanosecond - and at exactly at 4.10 pm in the afternoon as the clock on the tower attests.

Hence the name given to this piece - Nanosecond Sorano. It is now the property of Miles from Nowhere and he took the image I am talking about that you see at the start of this Plog. The other picture is The Artist's Palette - the actual palette was a gift to 'mfnw' (alias Cockroach) who also took the image of the palette and the 3-D Sunflowers. Amazing what a camera and a nanosecond can do. Thank goodness our right hemispheres, under the right harmonic conditions, operate faster than light (FTL).

It is sort of odd that a picture that depicts the exact moment of creation of a scene took more time than that to paint. Funny thing happened during the painting... I was on an enforced electricity budget so I was painting by two-candle power only. I painted the time on the clock when the painting was finished - 4.10 am in the morning, or about 12 hours' or so difference northern hemisphere Tuscany time from Downunder southern hemisphere time. Are you confused with this complete mix of the hemispheres, well I am!

Needless to say, in the wee hours of the morning I was engrossed totally in depicting the nanosecond that the Sun's rays hit the town of Sorano and that image your eyes and brain scramble to equal a painting in a Plog. Anyway, the paper moved on to a candle while I was swirling the scene and it caught fire. It took be a few seconds to double take and realise that the painting was on fire (or Phi-re). I stubbed it out with my sleeve and repaired it with oil, acrylic and gold leaf, The tragedy that was fixed occurred about half-way up the right-side of Sorano.

I knew i had finished this exquisite moment in my own weird quantum reality when i signed i in the Piet Mondrian mural on the fence in the left-hand bottom corner of the beautiful little town of Sorano, Tuscany.

The life of a painting goes on - it creates its own universe. The painting was framed by a close friend of Miles from Nowhere. It went on another journey to Tamaki-makau-rau (Auckland) where it is awaiting the next leg of its journey through this 3-D stopover of Earth.

I feel I am writing these words in absentia, but I know I am not. I am about to Customize by world wide links on Spider Grandmother's intricately woven filament of connectivity.

Time to publish another Plog - painting log - and I hope those that read it get a kick out of it.



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